Scripture Verse

God shall send forth His mercy and His truth. Psalm 57:3


Words: Lon­don Found­ling Hos­pi­tal Col­lect­ion, 1774.

Music: Om­bers­ley Will­iam H. Glad­stone, 1872 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

William H. Gladstone (1840–1892)
National Portrait Gallery

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Spirit of mer­cy, truth and love,
O shed Thine in­flu­ence from ab­ove,
And still from age to age con­vey
The won­ders of this sac­red day.

In ev­ery clime, by ev­ery tongue,
Be God’s am­az­ing glo­ry sung;
Let all the list­en­ing earth be taught
The won­ders by our Sav­ior wrought.

Unfailing Com­fort, heav­enl­y Guide,
Still o’er Thy ho­ly Church pre­side;
Still let man­kind Thy bless­ings prove,
Spirit of mer­cy, truth and love.