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Scripture Verse

The hope which is laid up for you in Heaven. Colossians 1:5


Robert Lowry (1826–1899)

Words: C. B. Stout, in Bright­est and Best, ed­it­ed by Ro­bert Low­ry & W. How­ard Doane (New York & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Big­low & Main, 1875), num­ber 23.

Music: Ro­bert Low­ry (🔊 ).

If you know Stout’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


When, on earth’s dark and stor­my shore,
Wild bil­lows beat, and tem­pests roar,
’Tis sweet to lift our thoughts above,
To realms of peace, of light and love,
Away in Heav’n, away in Heav’n.

When tri­als come, and plea­sures go,
When hearts are crushed, and hot tears flow,
How pre­cious then the hour of pray­er,
The rest of faith, that all may share,
And hope of Heav’n, and hope of Heav’n.

When hea­vy bur­dens press the soul,
And all the surg­es o’er us roll,
Amid our sor­row light ap­pears;
Faith bids the mourn­er dry his tears,
And look to Heav’n, and look to Heav’n.

At last, when heart and flesh shall fail,
And we must pass the sha­dowy vale,
Oh, then, blest Sav­ior, be our stay,
And bring us to eter­nal day,
The day of Heav’n, the day of Heav’n.