I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
John 14:3
Words: L. Hooker, in The Shining River, edited by Henry Perkins & William Perkins (Boston, Massachusetts: Oliver Ditson, 1875), number 78, alt.
Music: Wŏnsan William O. Perkins (🔊
If you know Hooker’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him or Perkins, would you send us an e-mail?
No homeless wanderer am I,
My Father dwells above the sky;
And when His chosen time has come,
He’ll send for me and take me home.
O home of peace and light and love!
My Father’s home! My home above!
Oh haste, thou happy hour, to come
When God shall send and take me home.
No lonely home, far off removed
From all the friends I knew and loved
Is mine; for in one house are placed
The many mansions of the blest.
Nor shall a stranger’s welcome meet
My tired spirit at the gate;
My Lord Himself in love will come
And give to me a welcome home.
And oh, what joy to hear Him say,
Well done, where I am thou shalt be;
Since thou hast conquered, thou shalt have
All things that Jesus has to give.