Scripture Verse

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Galatians 6:7


Words & Mu­sic: Charles M. Fill­more, Sil­ver and Gold No. 1, ed­it­ed by James V. Coombs & Will­iam Hack­le­man (In­di­an­apo­lis, In­di­ana: Hack­le­man Mu­sic, 1898), num­ber 84 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles M. Fillmore (1860–1952)


Sowing the seed by night and by day,
Sowing the seed in ma­ny a way,
Reaping will come at some time, we know,
Harvest will spring from what­ev­er we sow.


Be not de­ceived, God is not mocked.
Be not de­ceived, God is not mock­ed.
What a man sows that he al­so shall reap.

Sowing the seeds of flesh­ly de­lights,
Sowing the seeds of base ap­pe­tites,
Reaping will come, be­hold the waste field;
Utter de­struc­tion is all it will yield.


Sowing the seed of spir­it so pure,
Sowing the seed of right­eous­ness sure;
Reaping will come, be­hold the glad store,
Blessedness now, then the life ev­er­more.
