Scripture Verse

Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7


Words: How­ard Kings­bu­ry, in Echo to Hap­py Voic­es (New York: Am­eri­can Tract So­ci­ety, 1869), num­ber 93.

Music: Ga­rai­son J. M. Cas­tle, in Ev­ery Sab­bath, ed­it­ed by Tul­li­us C. O’Kane (Cin­cin­nati, Ohio: John Church, 1874), num­ber 78 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Cas­tle’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Kings­bu­ry,


Are we sow­ing seeds of kind­ness?
They shall blos­som bright ere long;
Are we sow­ing seeds of dis­cord?
They shall rip­en into wrong.
Are we sow­ing seeds of hon­or?
They shall bring forth gold­en grain;
Are we sow­ing seeds of false­hood?
We shall yet reap bit­ter pain.

We can ne­ver be too care­ful,
What the seed our hand shall sow;
Love for love is sure to rip­en,
Hate for hate is sure to grow.
Seeds of good or ill we scat­ter,
Heedlessly along our way;
But a glad or griev­ous fruit­age,
Waits us at the har­vest day.