The star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was.
Matthew 2:9
Words & Music: Franklin E. Belden, in Pearly Portals, edited by David S. Hakes (Boston, Massachusetts: G. D. Russell, 1882), number 141 (🔊
Star of beauty, star of splendor,
Herald of the glorious morn,
When our Savior and defender
In the manger low was born!
Crowned with light, and robed with glory
Came the little Prince divine;
While the angels chant the story,
Hail to Him of royal line!
Star of beauty, star of splendor!
Blessèd light of hope below!
Herald of the world’s defender!
Guiding star of long ago!
Star of beauty, brightly beaming,
Lead our wayward steps aright!
Let thy rays of glory streaming
Guide us thro’ the darkest night!
Banish doubt and banish sadness,
Rise in every heart and shine!
Star of hope and star of gladness,
Fill our souls with light divine!
Star of beauty, shine forever!
Beam upon us from above;
Blessèd star, forsake me never!
Pierce the gloom with ray of love.
End the reign of sin and sorrow,
Bid the clouds of darkness flee!
Usher in the golden morrow
Of a glad eternity.