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Scripture Verse

Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him. Matthew 2:1–2


William Ogden (1841–1897)

Words: John M. Low­rie, in The Sil­ver Song, by Will­iam Og­den (To­le­do, Ohio: Will­ard W. Whit­ney, 1870), num­ber 115.

Music: Will­iam A. Og­den (🔊 ).

John M. Lowrie (1817–1867)


Lo! the star in the East!
Over Beth­le­hem’s plain,
It shines as a guide to the place
Where the wea­ry, worn tra­vel­er
His hopes may at­tain,
And wor­ship that In­fant of Days.
While forth from their trea­sures,
Frankincense and gold,
And the cost­li­est spic­es they bring.
For in their dist­ant land
It had long been fore­told,
The birth of that glo­ri­ous king.


Let the glad world re­joice!
Let the an­gel­ic bands
Their an­thems tri­um­phant­ly sing!
To God be the glo­ry!
Sound forth, all ye lands,
The com­ing of Je­sus our king.

Lo! the star in the East!
We may gaze on it now;
Be pil­grims, with it for our guide;
The les­son of Beth­le­hem, still ev­er new,
The man­ger, and cross where He died.
We may read, we may learn,
From His birth to His grave,
The teach­ings of peace and of love;
For this is the King who is migh­ty to save;
His grace and His love we may prove.


Lo! the star in the East!
Let us fol­low it still,
No pil­grim it e’er led as­tray;
Let us bow at His feet,
Let us stu­dy His will,
And ev­er His pre­cepts ob­ey.
What trea­sures have we
To pre­sent to our king,
As an of­fer­ing fit­ting and true?
Our hearts and our­selves,
Blessèd Je­sus, we bring,
Accept us, and form us anew.


Lo! the star in the East!
Yet with far wid­er rays,
Shall its glo­ri­ous shin­ing go forth;
And ear­nest­ly plead,
God would hast­en the day,
When His know­ledge shall fill all the earth.
We would lift up our pray­ers,
We would strength­en our hands,
Would send out our means all abroad,
Till the glo­ri­ous Gos­pel is heard in all lands,
And the world is con­vert­ed to God.
