Scripture Verse

Having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:13


Words: Ha­zel Hurst, in Chim­ing Voic­es, ed­it­ed by James H. Ro­se­crans & J. T. Toof (New York: Asa Hull, 1893), num­ber 28.

Music: John Mc­Pher­son (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Hurst or Mc­Pher­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Stand alone for Je­sus
Till the sha­dows fall;
Stand alone for Je­sus,
He is Lord of all;
Heed His ten­der plead­ing,
List the ear­nest call;
Stand alone for Je­sus.


Stand alone for Je­sus;
Stand alone for Je­sus;
In the world’s mad strife,
Alone in Him is life,
Brother, stand alone for Je­sus.

Stand alone for Je­sus,
All the world for­sake;
Come to this deep fount­ain
And your thirst now slake;
Why de­lay, to right­eous­ness,
O man, awake;
Stand alone for Je­sus.


Stand alone for Je­sus,
For the dawn is near;
Trust in His sweet mer­cy,
Never have a fear;
In the land of Beu­lah
Is a place of cheer;
Stand alone for Je­sus.
