Scripture Verse

The star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. Matthew 2:9–10


John Keble (1792–1866)

Words: John Ke­ble, The Chris­tian Year 1827.

Music: Sa­gi­na Tho­mas Camp­bell, Bou­quet 1825 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Thomas Campbell
National Portrait Gallery



Star of the east, how sweet art Thou,
Seen in life’s ear­ly morn­ing sky,
Ere yet a cloud has dimmed the brow,
While yet we gaze with child­ish eye;
When fa­ther, mo­ther, nurs­ing friend,
Most dear­ly loved, and lov­ing best,
First bid us from their arms as­cend,
Pointing to Thee, in Thy sure rest.

Too soon the glare of earth­ly day
Buries, to us, Thy bright­ness keen,
And we are left to find our way
By faith and hope in Thee un­seen.
What mat­ter? if the way­marks sure
On ev­ery side are round us set,
Soon ov­er­leaped, but not obs­cure?
’Tis ours to mark them or for­get.

What mat­ter? if in calm old age
Our child­hood’s star again arise,
Crowning our lone­ly pil­grim­age
With all that cheers a wan­der­er’s eyes?
Ne’er may we lose it from our sight,
Till all our hopes and thoughts are led
To where it stays its lu­cid flight
Over our Sav­ior’s low­ly bed.

There, swathed in hum­blest po­ver­ty,
On chas­ti­ty’s meek lap en­shrined,
With breath­less re­ver­ence wait­ing by,
When we our so­ver­eign mas­ter find,
Will not the long-for­got­ten glow
Of min­gled joy and awe re­turn,
When stars ab­ove or flow­ers be­low
First made our in­fant spir­its burn?

Look on us, Lord, and take our parts
E’en on Thy throne of pur­ity!
From these our proud yet gro­vel­ing hearts
Hide not Thy mild for­giv­ing eye.
Did not the Gen­tile Church find grace,
Our mo­ther dear, this fa­vored day?
With gold and myrrh she sought Thy face;
Nor didst Thou turn Thy face away.

She too, in ear­li­er, pur­er days,
Had watched Thee gleam­ing faint and far
But wan­der­ing in self chos­en ways
She lost Thee quite, Thou love­ly star.
Yet had her Fa­ther’s fin­ger turned
To Thee her first in­quir­ing glance:
The deep­er shame with­in her burned,
When wak­ened from her will­ful trance.

Behold, her wis­est throng Thy gate,
Their rich­est, sweet­est, pur­est store,
(Yet owned too worth­less and too late)
They lav­ish on Thy cot­tage floor.
They give their best—O ten­fold shame
On us their fall­en pro­ge­ny,
Who sac­ri­fice the blind and lame—
Who will not wake or fast with Thee!