Scripture Verse

The star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. Matthew 2:9


William Jackson

Words: Ano­ny­mous, in Christ­mas Car­ols (Lon­don: John Will­iam Par­ker, 1833), num­ber 11. The mu­sic had an an­no­ta­tion say­ing that, start­ing with the words ‘we love to gaze,’ This and six fol­low­ing notes may be sung an oc­tave high­er, if found too low. This text can al­so be sung to CMD tunes by skip­ping the re­peated fourth line in each verse.

Music: Will­iam Jack­son (1730–1803) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the au­thor, or where to get a good pic­ture of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Star of the east! whose bea­con light
A gleam on Beth­le­hem threw,
And thi­ther by that won­drous sight
Arabia’s sag­es drew,
Arabia’s sag­es drew;
On thee in thought we love to gaze
In west­ern climes afar,
And think on thy mys­te­ri­ous rays,
Thou love­ly east­ern star.

Fair is the star of eve that sheds
Her light be­tok­en­ing rest;
And fair the morn­ing star that leads
The day in glo­ry dressed,
The day in glo­ry dressed;
But still more fair thy form arose,
And love­li­er to be­hold,
Which of a more se­rene re­pose
A bright­er glo­ry told.

Hail thou, whose sil­ve­ry ra­di­ance led
Those Ma­gian chiefs to bring
Their choic­est gifts, in wor­ship spread
Before Ju­dea’s king,
Before Ju­dea’s king;
That glo­ri­ous Sun, whose har­bin­ger
Thy light was made to shine,
And like the pil­lared flame to bear
Aloft sal­va­tion’s sign!

Hail thou ap­point­ed to ad­orn
The ris­ing King of Heav’n,
The prom­ised Child to Ju­dah born,
The Son to Is­ra­el giv’n,
The Son to Is­ra­el giv’n;
In whom the peace­ful em­pire sealed
Should more and more in­crease;
In Him, the migh­ty God re­vealed,
In Him, the Prince of Peace!

So on thy bea­con light we gaze
In west­ern climes afar,
And note thy Heav’n di­rect­ed rays,
Thou love­ly east­ern star,
Thou love­ly east­ern star;
With praise to Him, who in the sky
Thy won­drous cres­set hung,
Prompt to in­form the’ob­serv­ing eye,
Apart from speech or tongue.

Him who per­mits to all to see
The light their sta­tions need;
Who chose the star versed sage by thee,
Star of the east, to lead,
Star of the east, to lead;
Who made by shep­herd swains at night
The an­gel’s voice be heard;
And gives to us His Scrip­tures’ light,
His own re­cord­ing word.

Christmas Carols, 1833