Great joy, which shall be to all people.
Luke 2:10
Words & Music: Traditional English carol. Arranged in Christmas Carols, by James M. McLaughlin (Boston, Massachusetts: Finn & Company, 1915), page 20 (🔊
The star of joy beams bright today,
Let all rejoice!
We greet our Lord with festive lay,
Raise high each gladsome voice!
We greet our Lord with festive lay,
Raise high each gladsome voice!
A Child comes forth from heavenly bowers,
Let all rejoice!
His cradle decked with sweetest flowers,
Raise high each gladsome voice!
His cradle decked with sweetest flowers,
Raise high each gladsome voice!
Before bright youth’s eternal day,
Let all rejoice!
Long years of darkness fade away,
Raise high each gladsome voice!
Long years of darkness fade away,
Raise high each gladsome voice!
The world itself grows young again,
Let all rejoice!
And roused by faith, takes up the strain,
Raise high each gladsome voice!
And roused by faith, takes up the strain,
Raise high each gladsome voice!