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Scripture Verse

Great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:10


Words & Mu­sic: Tra­di­tion­al Eng­lish car­ol. Ar­ranged in Christ­mas Car­ols, by James M. Mc­Laugh­lin (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Finn & Com­pa­ny, 1915), page 20 (🔊 ).


The star of joy beams bright to­day,
Let all re­joice!
We greet our Lord with fes­tive lay,
Raise high each glad­some voice!
We greet our Lord with fes­tive lay,
Raise high each glad­some voice!

A Child comes forth from heav­en­ly bow­ers,
Let all re­joice!
His cra­dle decked with sweet­est flow­ers,
Raise high each glad­some voice!
His cra­dle decked with sweet­est flowers,
Raise high each glad­some voice!

Before bright youth’s eter­nal day,
Let all re­joice!
Long years of dark­ness fade away,
Raise high each glad­some voice!
Long years of dark­ness fade away,
Raise high each glad­some voice!

The world it­self grows young again,
Let all re­joice!
And roused by faith, takes up the strain,
Raise high each glad­some voice!
And roused by faith, takes up the strain,
Raise high each glad­some voice!