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Scripture Verse

I am…the bright and morning star. Revelation 22:16


Words: Fran­cis T. Pal­grave, 1862.

Music: Star of Morn and Ev­en James Till­eard, 1867 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Till­eard (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Francis T. Palgrave


Star of morn and ev­en,
Sun of Heav’n’s heav­en,
Savior high and dear,
Toward us turn Thine ear;
Through what­e’er may come,
Thou canst lead us home.

Though the gloom be griev­ous,
Those we leant on leave us,
Though the cow­ard heart
Quit its prop­er part,
Though the tempt­er come,
Thou wilt lead us home.

Savior pure and ho­ly,
Lover of the low­ly,
Sign us with Thy sign,
Take our hands in Thine,
Take our hands and come,
Lead Thy child­ren home.

Star of morn and ev­en,
Shine on us from Heav­en,
From Thy glo­ry throne
Hear Thy ve­ry own:
Lord and Sav­ior, come,
Lead us to our home.