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Scripture Verse

My God, in whom I trust. Psalm 91:2


William H. Burleigh (1812–1871)

Words: Will­iam H. Bur­leigh, in Ly­ra Sac­ra Am­eri­ca­na, 1868.

Music: Dia­de­ma Jo­seph Barn­by, 1883 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)


Still will we trust,
Though earth seem dark and drea­ry,
And the heart faint
Beneath His chast­en­ing rod;
Though rough and steep
Our path­way worn and wea­ry,
Still will we trust in God!

Our eyes see dim­ly
Till by faith an­oint­ed,
And our blind choos­ing
Brings us grief and pain;
Through Him alone
Who hath our way ap­point­ed,
We find our peace again.

Choose for us, God!
Nor let our weak pre­fer­ring
Cheat our poor souls
Of good Thou has de­signed;
Choose for us, God!
Thy wis­dom is un­er­ring,
And we are fools and blind.

So from our sky
The night shall furl her sha­dows,
And day pour glad­ness
Through his gold­en gates,
Our rough path lead
To flow­er-enam­eled mea­dows,
Where joy our com­ing waits.

Let us press on,
In pa­tient self de­ni­al,
Accept the hard­ship,
Shrink not from the loss;
Our por­tion lies
Beyond the hour of tri­al,
Our crown be­yond the cross.