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Scripture Verse

Who is he who will devote himself to be close to Me? Jeremiah 30:21


Words: James D. Burns, Ev­en­ing Hymns 1857.

Music: Rhiw Welsh tune (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

  • Clemson Ma­ry Gray, in Mur­ray’s Songs for Sun­day Schools and Gos­pel Meet­ings (Bos­ton Mas­sa­chu­setts: White & Smith, 1876), page 65 (🔊 )
  • St. An­drew (Barn­by) Jo­seph Barn­by, 1866 (🔊 )
James Burns (1823–1864)


Still with Thee, O my God,
I would de­sire to be;
By day, by night, at home, abroad,
I would be still with Thee.

With Thee when dawn comes in
And calls me back to care,
Each day re­turn­ing to be­gin
With Thee, my God, in pray­er.

With Thee am­id the crowd
That throngs the bus­y mart,
To hear Thy voice, where time’s is loud,
Speak soft­ly to my heart.

With Thee when day is done,
And ev­en­ing calms the mind;
The set­ting as the ris­ing sun
With Thee my heart would find.

With Thee when dark­ness brings
The sig­nal of re­pose,
Calm in the sha­dow of Thy wings,
Mine eye­lids I would close.

With Thee, in Thee, by faith
Abiding, I would be;
By day, by night, in life, in death,
I would be still with Thee.