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Scripture Verse

As thy days, so shall thy strength be. Deuteronomy 33:25


Words: Mrs. E. P. Han­dy, in Songs of Sav­ing Pow­er, ed­it­ed by John Mc­Phail (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Clay­ton F. Sum­my, 1890).

Music: Ar­ranged from A. B. Car­gile (🔊 ).

If you know Han­dy or Car­gile’s full name, or where to get good pho­tos of them (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Strength for to­day, Fa­ther, strength for to­day,
Strength to be ho­ly, to walk in Thy way;
Strength for the keep­ing my robes un­de­filed,
Strength to be hum­ble, as seem­eth Thy child.


Strength for to­day, Fa­ther, strength for to­day;
Strength in our war against sin;
That when our ci­ty comes down from the skies,
We may all en­ter in.

Strength in temp­ta­tion to turn from the snare,
Strength to be con­stant and ear­nest in pray­er;
Patient in well do­ing, faith­ful in heart;
Never, O Lord, from Thy truth to de­part.


Strength for the cross­es Thou giv’st me to bear,
Resting my heart on Thy fa­ther­ly care;
Trusting, al­though I may not un­der­stand;
Knowing that Thou all my go­ings hast planned.


Strength to shun evil, to cleave to the right,
Strength that my rush-light burn clear­ly and bright;
Strength that I bring no re­proach on Thy name;
Looking to Je­sus, Thy pro­mise I claim.
