Scripture Verse

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne. Revelation 3:21


William S. Nickle (1853–1914)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Short Hymns (Bris­tol, Eng­land: E. Far­ley, 1762), vol­ume 2, num­ber 848.

Music: Fru­men­ti­us Will­iam S. Nick­le, 1899 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Stupendous mys­te­ry of grace!
Shall one of Ad­am’s sin­ful race,
Shall I, the sin­ner’s chief, sit down
With God, and His eter­nal Son,
And shine like Je­sus glo­ri­fied,
Triumphant at my Sav­ior’s side!

Then let me meet my three-fold foe,
And con­quer­ing on to con­quer go,
Armed with His sword, and mind, and name,
Who hell, the world, and sin o’er­came,
And get the fi­nal vic­to­ry,
And die for Him, who died for me.

O Thou who hast the vic­to­ry won,
Regard me from Thy Fa­ther’s throne,
Regard my faith (which is not mine),
My hum­ble con­fi­dence di­vine,
That Thou wilt all my foes sub­due,
And bring me more than con­quer­or thro’.

Full of the pure im­mor­tal hope
I fill Thine af­ter suf­fer­ings up,
Conformed to an ex­pir­ing God,
I strive, re­sist­ing un­to blood,
And mount­ing on Thy cross di­vine,
To share Thy throne above the skies.