Scripture Verse

The mystery, which was kept secret since the world began. Romans 16:25


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley (1707–1788), in The Un­pub­lished Po­et­ry of Charles Wes­ley, by S. T. Kim­brough, Jr., & Ol­iv­er A. Beck­er­leg­ge (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: Ab­ing­don Press, 1992), pag­es 106–07.

Music: Ac­cra James Mc­Gra­na­han, 1904 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

James McGranahan (1840–1907)



Stupendous mys­te­ry!
God in our flesh is seen
(While an­gels ask, how can it be?)
And dwells with sin­ful men!
Our na­ture He as­sumes,
That we may His re­trieve;
He comes, to our dead world He comes,
That all thro’ Him may live.

The true, eter­nal Word
To us a Child is giv­en,
The so­ver­eign God, th’Al­migh­ty Lord,
Who fills both earth and Hea­ven;
Our God on earth ap­pears
To take our sins away,
And guide us thro’ the vale of tears
To realms of end­less day.