Scripture Verse

The Lord’s mercies…are new every morning. Lamentations 3:22–23


Louis Benson (1855–1930)

Words: Lou­is F. Ben­son, 1897.

Music: Went­worth Fred­er­ick C. Mak­er, 1876 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mak­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The sun is on the land and sea,
The day begun;
Our morn­ing hymn be­gins with Thee,
Blest Three in One;
Our praise shall rise con­tin­ual­ly
Till day is done.

Thy love was ev­er in our view,
Like stars, by night;
Thy gifts are ev­ery morn­ing new,
O God of light;
Thy mer­cy, like the hea­vens’ blue,
Fills all our sight.

We do not know what grief or care
The day may bring;
The heart shall find some glad­ness there,
That loves its king;
The life that serves Thee ev­ery­where
Can always sing.

All glo­ry to the Fa­ther be,
With Christ the Son,
And, Ho­ly Spir­it, un­to Thee,
Forever One;
All glo­ry to the Tri­ni­ty
While ag­es run!