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Scripture Verse

I will be glad and rejoice in Thee. Psalm 9:2


Words: Mrs. M. T. Haugh­ey, 1886.

Music: Ar­ranged by M. T. Haugh­ey (🔊 ).

If you know the Haugh­eys’ full names, or where to get their pho­tos, would you send us an e-mail?


There is sun­light on the hill­top,
There is sun­light on the sea;
And the gold­en beams are sleep­ing,
On the soft and ver­dant lea;
But a rich­er light is fill­ing
All the cham­bers of my heart;
For Thou dwell­est there, my Sav­ior,
And ’tis sun­light where Thou art.


O the sun­light! beau­ti­ful sun­light!
O the sun­light in the heart!
Jesus’ smile can ban­ish sad­ness;
It is sun­light in the heart.

In the dust I leave my sad­ness,
As the garb of oth­er days;
For Thou rob­est me with glad­ness,
And Thou fill­est me with praise;
And to that bright home of glo­ry
Which Thy love hath won for me,
In my heart and mind as­cend­ing,
My glad spir­it fol­lows Thee.


Loving Sav­ior, Thou hast bought me,
And my life, my all, is Thine;
Let the lamp Thy love hath light­ed
To Thy praise and glo­ry shine;
And to that bright home of glo­ry,
Which Thy love hath won for me,
In my heart and mind as­cend­ing,
My glad spir­it foll­ows Thee.
