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Scripture Verse

This do in remembrance of Me. Luke 22:19


Horatius Bonar (1808–1889)

Words: Ho­ra­ti­us Bo­nar, The Song of the New Cre­ation (Lon­don: James Nis­bet, 1872), pag­es 131–33.

Music: Gre­gor’s 7th Me­tre Chris­tian Greg­or, 1784 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Gre­gor (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


For the bread and for the wine,
For the pledge that seals Him mine,
For the words of love di­vine,
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.

For the bo­dy and the blood,
For the more than an­gels’ food,
For the bound­less grace of God,
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.

For the cha­lice whence we sip
Moisture for the parch­èd lip,
For the board of fel­low­ship,
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.

For the feast of love and peace,
Bidding all our sor­rows cease,
Earnest of the king­dom’s bliss,
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.

For the heav’n­ly pre­sence-bread,
On the gold­en table laid,
Blessèd ban­quet for us made,
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.

For the pas­chal lamb here giv’n,
For the loaf with­out the leav’n,
For the man­na dropped from Heav’n,
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.

Only bread and on­ly wine,
Yet to faith the so­lemn sign
Of the heav’n­ly and di­vine!
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.

For the words that turn our eye
To the cross of Cal­va­ry,
Bidding us in faith draw nigh,
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.

For the words that frag­rance breathe,
These poor sym­bols un­der­neath,
Words that His own peace be­queath,
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.

For the words that tell of home,
Pointing us bey­ond the tomb,
Do ye this un­til I come,
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.

Till He come we take the bread,
Type of Him on whom we feed,
Him who liv­eth and was dead!
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.

Till He come we take the cup;
As we at His ta­ble sup,
Eye and heart are lift­ed up!
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.

For that com­ing, here fore­shown,
For that day to man un­known,
For the glo­ry and the throne,
We give Thee thanks, O Lord.