Scripture Verse

The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich. Proverbs 10:22



Words: James Al­len & Wal­ter Shir­ley. Al­len pub­lished the orig­in­al ver­sion of this hymn in the Ken­dal Hymn Book in 1757. Shir­ley re­cast the words in 1770.

Music: Bat­ty Mo­ra­vi­an me­lo­dy, from the cho­rale Ringe recht in Er­bau­lich­er mu­sik­al­isch­en Chris­ten-schatz (Ba­sel, Swit­zer­land: 1745) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Walter Shirley (1725–1786)
National Portrait Gallery



In its pre­sent form this hymn was wrought out of a bi­tter ex­pe­ri­ence in the life of Sir Wal­ter Shir­ley, who was at the time Rec­tor of Lough­rea in the Coun­ty of Gal­way, Ire­land.

His bro­ther, the Earl of Fer­rars, a man of ev­il ha­bits, en­gaged in a quar­rel with one of his ser­vants, who had long been in his em­ploy, and in the pas­sion of his an­ger he mur­dered the old man. He was at once im­pris­oned; and Shir­ley, though mor­ti­fied by the ter­ri­ble dis­grace which the re­volt­ing crime had brought upon his fa­mi­ly, jour­neyed to his bro­ther’s pri­son and re­mained near him dur­ing the dis­tress­ing weeks that fo­llowed.

The Earl was tried, con­vict­ed, and sen­tenced to be hanged at Ty­burn. Aft­er the exe­cu­tion Shir­ley, worn out by his long vi­gil and hu­mi­li­at­ed in spir­it, re­turn­ing to his par­ish, find­ing com­fort on­ly in the cross of Je­sus Christ.

Discovering an im­pe­rfect ex­press­ion of his emo­tions at that time in a hymn, O How Hap­py Are the Mo­ments, by the Rev. James Al­len, he adapt­ed and re­vised the hymn so com­plet­ely that it be­came prac­tic­al­ly a new com­po­si­tion, tru­ly po­et­ic in lang­uage and form, and ten­der­ly elo­quent of his own ex­pe­ri­ence.

Price, p. 10


Sweet the mo­ments, rich in bless­ing,
Which be­fore the cross we spend,
Life and health and peace pos­sess­ing
From the sin­ner’s dy­ing friend.

Here I stay, for­ev­er view­ing
Mercy stream­ing in His blood;
Precious drops, my soul be­dew­ing,
Plead and claim my peace with God.

Truly bless­èd is the sta­tion,
Low be­fore His cross to lie,
While I see di­vine com­passion
Floating in His lang­uid eye.

Here we find our hope of Hea­ven,
While up­on the Lamb we gaze;
Loving much, and much for­giv­en,
Let our hearts o’er­flow with praise.

Oh, that, near the cross abid­ing,
We may to the Sav­ior cleave,
Naught with Him our hearts di­vid­ing,
All for Him con­tent to leave!

Lord, in cease­less con­tem­pla­tion
Fix our hearts and eyes on Thee,
Till we taste Thy full sal­va­tion,
And un­veiled Thy glo­ries see.

For Thy sor­rows we adore Thee,
For the griefs that wrought our peace;
Gracious Sav­ior, we im­plore Thee,
In our hearts Thy love in­crease.