

Born: June 24, 1734, Gayle, Wens­ley­dale, York­shire, Eng­land.

Died: Oc­to­ber 31, 1804, Gayle, York­shire, Eng­land.


James was the son of Os­wald All­en, an an­ces­tor of Os­wald Al­len.

He was edu­cat­ed with a view to tak­ing Ho­ly Or­ders, first with two dif­fer­ent cler­gy­men at dif­fe­rent times, and then for one year at St. John’s Coll­ege, Cam­bridge.

Leaving Cam­bridge in 1752, he be­came a fol­low­er of Ben­ja­min Ing­ham, found­er of the Ing­ham­ite sect.

He sub­se­quent­ly joined the San­de­ma­ni­ans, and fi­nal­ly built a cha­pel on his es­tate at Gayle, min­is­ter­ing there the rest of his life.

He ed­ited and was the prin­ci­pal con­trib­ut­or to the 1757 Ken­dal Hymn Book and the Ap­pen­dix to the se­cond ed­it­ion in 1761.




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