Scripture Verse

And the three hundred blew the trumpets. Judges 7:29


Words & Mu­sic: Phi­lip P. Bliss, 1875 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Philip Bliss (1838–1876)


It was mid­night in the val­ley,
And the camp was dark and still,
Where the slum­ber­ing host of Mi­di­an
Lay along the slop­ing hill,
When a blind­ing flash of torch­es,
And a trum­pet loud and shrill,
Threw out the bat­tle cry:


Blow ye the trum­pet,
For the Lord hath made us free;
Your blaz­ing lamps raise high!
The sword of the Lord and of Gi­de­on, shall be
Our con­quer­ing bat­tle cry.

Where the faint and fear­ful thou­sands
Had re­turned at God’s com­mand,
By the chos­en few of faith­ful,
Victory came to Gi­de­on’s band;
Hear them giv­ing God the glo­ry,
And around the camp they stand
And shout their bat­tle cry:


Christian sol­diers, be not fear­ful;
Onward with your cap­tain go;
Ever look­ing un­to Je­sus
You shall con­quer ev­ery foe;
He hath tri­umphed—take your trum­pets,
Let the world your vic­to­ry know;
Sing loud your bat­tle cry:


Gideon Chooses the Three Hundred
James Tissot (1836–1902)