Scripture Verse

Behold, I make all things new. Revelation 21:5


George Matheson

Words: George Ma­the­son, 1890.

Music: Fred­er­ic F. Bull­ard, 1903 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Frederic F. Bullard (1864–1904)


There are com­ing chang­es great
In the glad new time;
Trust in God and watch and wait
For the glad new time;
Mountain fears shall pros­trate lie,
Vales of hope be lift­ed high;
Trembling earth em­brace the sky,
In the glad new time.

There shall meet the great and small
In the glad new time,
Love shall be the lord of all
In the glad new time;
From the mount­ains shall des­cend
Hearts of old that could not bend,
And the poor shall have a friend,
In the glad new time.

We shall lift op­pres­sion’s load
In the glad new time;
We shall bear the cross of God
In the glad new time;
We shall seek the val­leys deep
Where the wea­ry strive or sleep,
And con­vey them up the steep
To the glad new time.

There shall be a joy in Heav’n
In the glad new time;
And God’s rest­ing shall be giv’n
In the glad new time:
For His Sab­bath shall be found
When the skies have touched the ground,
And the val­leys shall re­sound
With the glad new time.