Scripture Verse

Let your light shine before men. Matthew 5:16


George Cooper (1840–1927)

Words: George Coop­er, 1870.

Music: Ira D. San­key, 1881 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ira D. Sankey (1840–1908)

This, one of the most po­pu­lar hymns to which I have set mu­sic, was writ­ten by George Co­oper. I found it as a po­em in a pe­ri­od­ic­al in 1881, and im­me­di­ate­ly wrote the chor­us and com­posed the tune. It has been much used and great­ly blessed in Gos­pel meet­ings.

Sankey, p. 344


There are lone­ly hearts to cher­ish,
While the days are go­ing by;
There are wea­ry souls who per­ish,
While the days are go­ing by;
If a smile we can re­new,
As our jour­ney we pur­sue,
Oh, the good we all may do,
While the days are go­ing by.


Going by (go­ing by)
Going by (go­ing by)
Going by (go­ing by)
Going by (go­ing by)
Oh, the good we all may do,
While the days are go­ing by.

There’s no time for idle scorn­ing,
While the days are go­ing by;
Let your face be like the morn­ing,
While the days are go­ing by;
Oh, the world is full of sighs,
Full of sad and weep­ing eyes;
Help your fall­en bro­ther rise,
While the days are go­ing by.


All the lov­ing links that bind us,
While the days are go­ing by;
One by one we leave be­hind us,
While the days are go­ing by;
But the seeds of good we sow,
Both in shade and shine will grow,
And will keep our hearts aglow,
While the days are go­ing by.
