Scripture Verse

The Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces. Isaiah 25:8


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in Se­lect Me­lo­dies, ed­it­ed by Will­iam Hun­ter (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Me­tho­dist Book Con­cern, 1843).

Music: Es­co­be­do ar­ranged by J. H. von Nard­roff, 1859 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know the au­thor, or where to get a good pic­ture of him or von Nard­roff (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


What if our bark o’er life’s rough wave
By ad­verse winds be driv’n,
And howl­ing tem­pests round us rave—
There are no tears in Heav’n.
What though af­flict­ion be our lot,
Our hearts with ang­uish riv’n;
Still, let it ne­ver be for­got—
There are no tears in Heav’n.

Our sweet­est joys here ban­ish all,
And fade like hues at ev’n;
Our bright­est hopes like me­te­ors fall—
There are no tears in Heav’n.
The mourn­er sad, who drowned in grief,
Hath long in sor­row striv­en,
Shall find, at last, a sweet re­lief—
There are no tears in Heav’n.

Thou, God, our joy and rest shall be,
And sor­row far be driv’n;
And sin and death for­ev­er flee—
There are no tears in Heav’n.
There from the bloom­ing tree of life,
The heal­ing fruit is giv’n;
There, there shall cease the pain­ful strife—
There are no tears in Heav’n.

When sing­ing with tune Gujranwala, in­sert this re­frain after lines 4 and 8 of each stan­za:

Beautiful home, beau­ti­ful home,
Beautiful home of love;
And they that bear the cross below,
Shall wear the crown above.