Lead me, O Lord, in Thy righteousness.
Psalm 5:8
Words: Kate Osborn, in The River of Life, edited by Henry S. Perkins & Warren Bentley (New York; Boston, Massachusetts; and Chicago, Illinois: Oliver Ditson, C. H. Ditson and Lyon & Healy, 1873), page 99.
Music: Madhya Pradesh W. Warren Bentley (🔊
If you know where to get a good picture of Osborn (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Ever blessèd Jesus,
Listen unto me;
Bow Thine ear and hear me,
While I call to Thee;
I am weak and sinful,
Thou art pure and strong;
Take my hand, dear Jesus,
Lead Thy child along.
Take my hand, dear Jesus,
Let me never stray;
Take my hand and lead me,
In the better way.
Ever blessèd Jesus,
Bless Thy wayward child,
Keep my feet from straying
Thro’ the desert wild;
I would never wander
From Thy loving side;
Ever blessèd Jesus,
Be my constant guide.
Help me, blessèd Jesus,
Leave me not alone;
Give me strength and patience
Till each duty’s done;
And when life is ended,
I Thy face would see;
Hear my prayer, dear Jesus,
Take me up to Thee.