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Scripture Verse

Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20


Words: Fred­er­ick R. Dar­ies, 1916.

Music: Ru­he­tag Fred­er­ick R. Dar­ies, 1916 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Da­ries (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


This day in Je­sus’ name we meet,
Our Lord, Re­deem­er, King;
This day around Thy mer­cy seat
We all Thy prais­es sing;
Thou gav­est us this day of rest,
Of ho­li­ness divine;
Lend com­fort to each trou­bled breast,
And make us ev­er Thine.

Oppressed with earth­ly toil and pains
The wea­ry week did close;
Yet God’s own day of peace re­mains
When spir­its seek re­pose.
Let Sun­day’s sweet re­fresh­ing dew
All wi­ther­ing cares dis­pel;
Let Sab­bath joys our strength re­new,
Help us Thy good­ness tell.

Be with us, as Thy ser­vant asks,
Thy mer­cies to pro­long;
Grant that by pray­er we know our tasks,
Let in­cense rise with song.
O may this be a day of light
To na­tions far and near;
Let all men see Thy vis­age bright,
Thy lov­ing mes­sage hear.