Scripture Verse

I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto Thee, O Lord, will I sing. Psalm 101:1


Words: Paul Eb­er (1511–1569) (Helft mir Gott­es Gü­te prei­sen). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Carl Døv­ing, 1907.

Music: Helft mir Gott­es Gü­te Wolf­gang Fi­gu­lus, 1575 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Døv­ing or Fi­gu­lus (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Paul Eber (1511–1569)


To God the an­them rais­ing,
Sing, Chris­tians, great and small;
Sing out, His good­ness prais­ing,
Oh, thank Him, one and all!
Behold how God this year,
Which now is safe­ly end­ed,
Hath in His love be­friend­ed
His child­ren far and near.

Let us con­sid­er right­ly
His mer­cies ma­ni­fold,
And let us not think light­ly
Of all His gifts un­told.
Let thank­ful­ness re­call
How God this year hath led us,
How He hath clothed and fed us,
The great ones and the small.

To church and state He grant­ed
His peace in ev­ery place,
His vine­yard He hath plant­ed
Among us by His grace,
His ev­er boun­te­ous hand
Prosperity hath giv­en
And want and fa­mine driv­en
From this our na­tive land.

His Fa­ther heart is yearn­ing
To take us for His own
When, our trans­gress­ions mourn­ing,
We trust in Christ alone;
When in His name we pray
And hum­bly make con­fess­ion,
He par­dons our trans­gress­ion
And is our faith­ful stay.

Our God hath well de­fend­ed,
Hath kept us through His grace;
But if He had con­tend­ed
With us our sins to trace
And giv­en us our meed,
We all would then be ly­ing
In sin and sor­row, dy­ing,
Each one for his mis­deed.

O Fa­ther dear in Heav­en,
For all Thy gifts of love
Which Thou to us hast giv­en
We lift our thanks above.
In Je­sus’ name we here,
To Thee our pray­ers ad­dress­ing,
Still ask Thee for Thy bless­ing:
Grant us a joy­ful year.