Scripture Verse

The blood of Jesus Christ…cleanseth us from all sin. 1 John 1:7


Words & Mu­sic: Gar­field T. Hay­wood, 1919 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Garfield Haywood (1880–1931)


In sin I wan­dered sore and sad
With bleed­ing heart and ach­ing head,
Till Je­sus came and sweet­ly said,
I’ll take thy sins away.


Thank God for the blood!
Thank God for the blood!
Thank God for the blood
That wash­es white as snow.

I gave my heart, my life, my all
To Him who drank the cup of gall
To raise the guil­ty from the fall
And take their sins away.


The wa­ter, Spir­it and the blood
Agree, if we but un­der­stood,
In mak­ing sin­ners pure and good,
And take their sins away.


How won­der­ful God’s migh­ty plan!
How grace the aw­ful guilt did span
When He took on the form of man
To take our sins away.


We can­not know, we may not tell
How we are saved from death and hell;
Thru faith we know that all is well—
He took our sins away.
