Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked,
Matthew 2:1Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him.
Words: B. Cranston. Appeared Carols Old and Carols New, by Charles L. Hutchins (Boston, Massachusetts: Parish Choir, 1916), number 647.
Music: Château de Vincennes G. F. Hayward (🔊
Alternate Tunes:
If you know Cranston or Hayward’s full name, or where to get good photos of them (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
There came three kings from far away,
Led by a star’s most lustrous ray,
To Christ their steps were straightway bend,
To see the King was their intent.
Oh, may we tread the pathway trod,
That leads to Christ, the living God!
Now when they reached the lowly shed,
And saw within the cradle bed,
Their eyes at once were heav’nward raised,
And songs of joy were then upraised.
Oh, may we see that Babe divine,
And may such joy be ever mine!
And when they reached the manger stall,
Upon their knees they straight did fall,
And offerings brought of gifts most rare,
That they their homage might declare.
Oh, may our offerings ever be
Meet for the King of kings to see!
They brought with them most costly things,
For that sweet Babe, the King of kings;
’Twas frankincense, with gold and myrrh,
For priest and king and sad martyr.
Oh, may we bring such offerings meet,
And lay them down at Jesus’ feet!
Oh, sing we then voices clear,
Sweet carols to this Babe so dear,
And sing we, too, these monarchs three,
Who journeyed far this Babe to see.
Oh, may our hearts most faithful be,
At this our glad Epiphany!