Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty.
Isaiah 33:17
Words: J. Ferdinand V. Saul, in New Harvest Bells, edited by Mrs. William E. Penn, W. H. Morris & Elisha A. Hoffman (Eureka Springs, Arkansas: Mrs. W. E. Penn, 1900), number 172.
Music: William E. Penn (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Saul (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
When the people of all nations
Have been told of Jesus’ birth,
And the story of
His dying love is known,
When the tidings of salvation
Have been preached o’er all the earth,
He will come and claim
The blood washed for His own.
Then we’ll see Him, then we’ll see Him,
Then we’ll see Him robed in beauty
If we’ve lived in Christian duty;
Then we’ll see Him, then we’ll see Him,
We will see Him in His beauty at the dawn.
When on Greenland’s icy mountains
And far India’s coral strands
Every ear shall hear of Jesus Christ the Son,
How they mocked Him,
How they scourged Him,
How they nailed His loving hands,
How He died on Calvary for every one.
Praise the Lord! the mist is clearing,
And the heralds of the day
Bring the joyful news—
Oh! Bud of promise, bloom!
For a saddened world invokes Thee,
Precious One; Oh! come we pray;
Sweep in view and let
Thy ransomed enter home.
Hark! we hear the trumpet sounding,
See the heaven like a scroll,
Rolling back for us
To hear the grand roll call;
Then delay no longer, sinner,
Have your name upon Christ’s roll;
Even so, Lord Jesus,
Come and take us all.