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Scripture Verse

Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty. Isaiah 33:17


Words: J. Fer­din­and V. Saul, in New Har­vest Bells, ed­it­ed by Mrs. Will­iam E. Penn, W. H. Mor­ris & Eli­sha A. Hoff­man (Eu­re­ka Springs, Ar­kan­sas: Mrs. W. E. Penn, 1900), num­ber 172.

Music: Will­iam E. Penn (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Saul (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

William E. Penn (1832–1895)


When the peo­ple of all na­tions
Have been told of Je­sus’ birth,
And the sto­ry of
His dy­ing love is known,
When the tid­ings of sal­va­tion
Have been preached o’er all the earth,
He will come and claim
The blood washed for His own.


Then we’ll see Him, then we’ll see Him,
Then we’ll see Him robed in beau­ty
If we’ve lived in Chris­tian du­ty;
Then we’ll see Him, then we’ll see Him,
We will see Him in His beau­ty at the dawn.

When on Green­land’s icy mount­ains
And far In­dia’s co­ral strands
Every ear shall hear of Je­sus Christ the Son,
How they mocked Him,
How they scourged Him,
How they nailed His lov­ing hands,
How He died on Cal­va­ry for ev­ery one.


Praise the Lord! the mist is clear­ing,
And the her­alds of the day
Bring the joy­ful news—
Oh! Bud of pro­mise, bloom!
For a sad­dened world in­vokes Thee,
Precious One; Oh! come we pray;
Sweep in view and let
Thy ran­somed enter home.


Hark! we hear the trum­pet sound­ing,
See the heav­en like a scroll,
Rolling back for us
To hear the grand roll call;
Then delay no long­er, sin­ner,
Have your name up­on Christ’s roll;
Even so, Lord Je­sus,
Come and take us all.
