Scripture Verse

I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. Revelation 21:1


Words: Al­son M. Doak, in Light in the Val­ley, by George C. Hugg (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: George C. Hugg, 1898), pag­es 14–16.

Music: Tho­mas S. Ev­ans (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Doak or Ev­ans (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


There shall be no more sea
In that land, I am told,
Where the walls are of jas­per
And streets are of gold;
Yet, as o’er the wild waves
Of life’s con­flict I’m tossed,
I still won­der, some­times,
If my soul shall be lost.
But al­though there are mys­te­ries
Dark and un­known,
I am sure, in their midst
I shall not be alone,
For that One who on earth
Lived a life with­out stain,
Shall be close to my side
To make ev­ery­thing plain.


I shall stand in the storm
But a lit­tle while,
For the Mas­ter has said to me
That I soon shall be tast­ing
The plea­sures sweet
Of that land where there is no sea.

He shall tell me the rea­son
He car­ried away
That sweet an­gel whose smile
Added light to the day—
The pure child that went out
From the reach of earth’s wrong,
Lured away by the mu­sic
Of hea­ven­ly song.
And that mo­ther, who went
From her la­bor away,
When her hair, by the weight
Of earth’s cross­es grew gray,
I shall find in that land
Sweet with flow­ers from life’s tree,
Tho’ now hid­den from view
By death’s cold, cru­el sea.


Oh, I won­der, some­times,
Why God takes from my heart
Those dear friends from whose love
’Tis heart-crush­ing to part;
But He speaks through the storm:
Trust and soon you shall see
That I’ve called them to do
Nobler ser­vice for Me.

Yes, life here has its con­flicts
And mys­ter­ies deep,
And the sor­rows of life
Make the heart oft­en weep;
But when all have rolled by,
In that land I shall be,
Where in rap­tures of joy
I shall know no more sea.
