Scripture Verse

The love of Christ, which passeth knowledge. Ephesians 3:19


Words: John L. New­kirk, 1890.

Music: Pow­ell G. Fi­thi­an (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of New­kirk or Fith­ian (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


There’s no love to me like the love of Je­sus,
Ever, al­ways just the same;
E’en tho’ of this world you may be most low­ly,
Jesus still loves you, bless His name.


There ne­ver was one like Je­sus,
Ever, al­ways true is He;
There ne­ver was one like Je­sus,
There’s no love like His love to me.

When far, far away, and in con­dem­na­tion,
Feeling no one cared for me,
There came a sweet voice,
I shall ne’er for­get it,
Jesus thy Sav­ior still loves thee.


Oh, won­der­ful love, is the love of Je­sus,
Who on Cal­va­ry’s cru­el tree
Was wound­ed and died to make full atone­ment
For a poor sin­ner, lost, like me.
