Ye shall see the glory of the Lord.
Exodus 16:7
Words: Joseph N. Speakes, 1907.
Music: J. W. Smith (🔊
If you know Smith’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
All along the way we sing,
And our hallelujahs ring;
Oh, there’s glory in this way!
We will praise our Lord and king,
And to Him our all will bring;
Oh, there’s glory in this way!
Oh, there’s glory in this way!
Oh, there’s glory in this way!
Joyful anthems now we sing,
To our Savior, priest and king!
Oh, there’s glory in this way!
Jesus’ blood is all our plea,
And from sin it makes us free;
Oh, there’s glory in this way!
Of His fullness we receive,
For His word we do believe;
Oh, there’s glory in this way!
Tho’ our fiercest foes deride,
Still in Jesus we’ll confide;
Oh, there’s glory in this way!
He will guide us day by day,
While we walk the narrow way;
Oh, there’s glory in this way!
Jesus saves and justifies,
No good thing He e’er denies;
Oh, there’s glory in this way!
Heav’nly joys enrapt the soul,
While our praises onward roll;
Oh, there’s glory in this way!