Scripture Verse

The Lord will watch over your coming and going, both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:8


Theodore E. Perkins

Words: Ma­ry A. Kid­der, in Hymn Ser­vice for the Sun­day School (New York: Big­low & Main, 1879), num­ber 4.

Music: Theo­dore E. Per­kins (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Kid­der (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Dear Sav­ior, all I think or do
Thine eye can see;
My ma­ny wants, my tri­als, too,
Thine eye can see;
Where’er I dwell it mat­ters not,
My home a pal­ace or a cot;
Thank God! what­ev­er be my lot,
Thine eye can see.


Thine eye can see,
Thine eye can see;
Thank God! what­ev­er be my lot,
Thine eye can see.

Do clouds ob­scure my morn­ing sun?
Thine eye can see;
Do friends for­sake me, one by one?
Thine eye can see;
Have I no home, no rest­ing place?
Still op­ened are Thine arms of grace,
The tear of sor­row on my face
Thine eye can see.


When ev­en­ing sha­dows o’er me creep,
Thine eye can see;
When on my pil­low calm I sleep,
Thine eye can see;
I thank Thee for Thy watch­ful care,
How sweet Thy ten­der love to share,
And know that ev­ery grief I bear
Thine eye can see.


If I will serve Thee day by day,
Thine eye can see;
If from Thy plea­sant paths I stray,
Thine eye can see;
Oh, take my heart, my will sub­due,
And may I ev­er keep in view,
That all I think and all I do
Thine eye can see.
