The Lord is my strength and my shield.
Psalm 28:7
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Sacred Songs No. 2, by Ira D. Sankey et al. (New York: Biglow & Main, 1899).
Music: Friesen William J. Kirkpatrick (🔊
Alternate Tune:
When the hopes that smile today
With the morrow pass away;
When the flowers that pleasure weaves
Fade and fall like autumn leaves:
Thou my shield and strength divine,
Closer draw my love to Thine;
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee.
When my heart with toils oppressed
Vainly seeks the balm of rest;
When beset with trials deep,
Throbbing cares that will not sleep:
When afflictions o’er my soul
Like the waves of ocean roll:
When the clouds above me frown
And my burden weighs me down:
When the storms of life shall cease,
When the waves are hushed in peace;
When I reach my home at last,
Every danger safely passed: