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Scripture Verse

What think ye of Christ? Matthew 22:42


Words: Sa­la­thi­el C. Kirk, Mus­ings Along the Way (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: A. H. Sick­ler, 1900), pag­es 65–66.

Music: Ar­fon French & Welsh tune. Ar­ranged by Hugh Da­vies, cir­ca 1906 (🔊 ).

Salathiel C. Kirk


When Thou didst with pi­ty­ing eye
Leave Thy Fa­ther’s throne on high—
Leave a heav­en­ly dia­dem
For a crib in Beth­le­hem,
Jesus, Thou didst think of me;
Do I, do I think of Thee?

Blessing, help­ing ev­ery­one,
Yet re­ject­ed by Thine own;
Buffeted and spit upon,
O, Thou bless­èd Ho­ly One,
This, be­cause Thou thought of me!
Do I, do I think of Thee?

Praying in Geth­se­ma­ne;
Agonizing on the tree;
When, with break­ing heart, Thou cried
It is fin­ished, bowed and died,
Jesus, Thou didst think of me!
Do I, do I think of Thee?

On His hands my name I see:
In the grave He thinks of me,
Vain, oh Cal­va­ry, Thy doom!
Jesus ris­es from the tomb,
Evermore to think of me;
Jesus, I will think of Thee.