Scripture Verse

Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41


John M. Neale (1818–1866)


Words: John M. Neale, Hymns for Child­ren 1842.

Music: Wit­ten­berg by E.S.K., in Augs­burg Songs No. 2 (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Lu­ther­an Pub­li­ca­tion So­ci­ety, 1893), num­ber 133 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the com­pos­er’s name,


A time to watch, a time to pray,
A day of wonders is today:
The saddest, yet the gladdest too,
That earth or Hea­ven ever knew.

The saddest, for our Sav­ior bore
His death, that we might die no more:
The agony, the scourge, the fear,
The crown of thorns, the cross, the spear.

And yet the gladdest, for today
Our load of sin was borne away:
And hopes of joy that ne­ver dies
Hang on our Sav­ior’s sacrifice.

O Sav­ior, how we bless Your name!
Yours is the glo­ry, ours the shame;
By all the pain Your love endured
Let all our many sins be cured.