The blood of Jesus Christ…cleanseth us from all sin.
1 John 1:7
Words: W. A. Wells, 1889.
Music: Peter P. Bilhorn (🔊
If you know Wells’ full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
When the Savior came to dwell below
On the cross His wondrous love to show,
’Twas that all this blessèd truth might know:
There is cleansing in the blood.
There is cleansing in the blood, in the blood,
There is cleansing in the blood, in the blood;
All who in the Lord believe,
Shall have life and joy and peace,
There is cleansing in the blood.
You have doubtless heard it oft before,
Yet the Spirit comes to thee once more,
And repeats the story o’er and o’er:
There is cleansing in the blood.
’Twas for you the Lord was crucified,
See His bleeding hands, His feet, His side;
’Twas for you He suffered thus and died:
There is cleansing in the blood.
Hear and heed the Spirit’s pleading voice,
Come! O come, and make the Lord your choice,
And this truth will make you to rejoice:
There is cleansing in the blood.
Savior dear, to Thee my heart I bring;
Now accept my humble offering,
That with all Thy saved ones I may sing,
There is cleansing in the blood.