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Scripture Verse

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3


Richard Mant (1776–1848)

Words: Ri­chard Mant, Ho­ly­days of the Church 1831.

Music: Ken­ne­bunk­port Jo­seph Barn­by, 1872 (🔊 ).

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)
National Portrait Gallery



There is a dwell­ing place above;
Thither, to meet the God of love,
The poor in spir­it go.
There is a pa­ra­dise of rest;
For con­trite hearts and souls dis­tressed
Its streams of com­fort flow.

There is a good­ly he­rit­age
Where earth­ly pass­ions cease to rage;
The meek that ha­ven gain;
There is a board, where those who pine,
Hungry, athirst, for grace di­vine,
May feast, nor crave again.

There is a voice of mer­cy true;
To them whose mer­cy’s path pur­sue
That voice shall bliss im­part;
There is a sight from man con­cealed;
That sight, the face of God re­vealed,
Shall bless the pure in heart.

There is a name, in Heav’n be­stowed;
That name, which hails them sons of God,
The friends of peace shall know;
There is a king­dom in the sky,
Where they shall reign with God on high,
Who serve Him best be­low.

Lord! be it mine like them to choose
The bet­ter part, like them to use
The means Thy love hath giv’n;
Be ho­li­ness my aim on earth,
That death be wel­comed as a birth
To life and bliss in Heav’n!