Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:3
Words: Richard Mant, Holydays of the Church 1831.
Music: Kennebunkport Joseph Barnby, 1872 (🔊
There is a dwelling place above;
Thither, to meet the God of love,
The poor in spirit go.
There is a paradise of rest;
For contrite hearts and souls distressed
Its streams of comfort flow.
There is a goodly heritage
Where earthly passions cease to rage;
The meek that haven gain;
There is a board, where those who pine,
Hungry, athirst, for grace divine,
May feast, nor crave again.
There is a voice of mercy true;
To them whose mercy’s path pursue
That voice shall bliss impart;
There is a sight from man concealed;
That sight, the face of God revealed,
Shall bless the pure in heart.
There is a name, in Heav’n bestowed;
That name, which hails them sons of God,
The friends of peace shall know;
There is a kingdom in the sky,
Where they shall reign with God on high,
Who serve Him best below.
Lord! be it mine like them to choose
The better part, like them to use
The means Thy love hath giv’n;
Be holiness my aim on earth,
That death be welcomed as a birth
To life and bliss in Heav’n!