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Scripture Verse

A voice from Heaven said, This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased. Matthew 3:17


Words: Ma­ria G. Saf­fe­ry, in The Psalm­ist, ed­it­ed by Bar­on Stow & Sam­uel F. Smith (Lon­don: Ham­il­ton & Ad­ams, 1843), num­ber 811.

Music: St. Ste­phen Will­iam Jones, 1789 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Saf­fe­ry (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

William Jones (1726–1800)
National Portrait Gallery



’Tis God the Fa­ther we ad­ore
In this bap­tis­mal sign;
’Tis He whose voice on Jor­dan’s shore
Proclaimed the Son di­vine.

The Fa­ther owned Him; let our breath,
In an­swer­ing praise, as­cend,
As in the im­age of His death
We own our heav’n­ly friend.

We seek the con­se­crat­ed grave
Along the path He trod;
Receive us in the hal­lowed wave,
Thou ho­ly Son of God.

Let earth and Heav’n our zeal re­cord,
And fu­ture wit­ness bear,
That we to Zi­on’s migh­ty Lord
Our full al­le­giance swear.

O that our con­scious souls may own,
With joy’s se­rene sur­vey,
Inscribed up­on His judg­ment throne,
The tran­script of this day.