Scripture Verse

We give Thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty. Revelation 11:17


Thomas Hastings (1784–1872)

Words: Sa­la­thi­el C. Kirk, Mus­ings Along the Way (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: A. H. Sick­ler, 1900), page 77.

Music: Ains­worth (Hast­ings) Tho­mas Hast­ings, Church Me­lo­dies (New York: An­son D. F. Ran­dolph, 1858), page 30 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Salathiel C. Kirk (1845–1913)


’Tis Thanks­giv­ing morn again!
Lift your voic­es, sons of men,
From the earth to God above—
Lift your hearts in praise and love.

Thank Him for His lov­ing care;
Thank Him for the bless­èd air;
Thank Him for the sun­light shed;
Thank Him for your dai­ly bread.

Thank Him that our fa­vored land,
By the boun­ty of His hand,
Richly her abun­dance yields
From her or­chards and her fields.

Thank Him that no poi­son­ous breath
Freighted with the germs of death,
O’er our land pur­sues its path
In its all con­sum­ing wrath.

While the sweep­ing blast of war
Rages ov­er lands afar,
Thank Him that the wings of peace
All our wide do­main em­brace.

Sons of men, your voic­es lift
For the pre­cious, price­less gift
Offered up for you and me,
On the Mount of Cal­va­ry!