I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that day.
2 Timothy 1:12
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Radiant Songs, edited by John Sweney et al. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: John J. Hood, 1891).
Music: Little Rock John R. Sweney (🔊
I know in whom my soul believes,
I know in whom I trust;
The Holy One, the merciful,
The only wise and just.
I know in whom my soul believes,
And all my fears depart;
For though the winter winds may blow,
’Tis summer in my heart.
I know the Sun of Righteousness
Illumes the path I tread;
And buds of hope that never die
Their balmy odor shed.
How sweet to walk obediently
With Christ my loving Lord;
And learn in simple, childlike faith
My duty from His Word.
I know in yonder mansion bright
For me there is a place;
And there with Jesus I shall wake,
And see Him face to face.