Put on the whole armor of God.
Ephesians 6:11
Words: C. Newman Hall, in Welcome Tidings, by Robert Lowry et al. (New York: Biglow & Main, 1877).
Music: Ira D. Sankey (🔊
To arms! To arms! ye soldiers,
The trumpet call obey!
Arise from dreary slumbers
To watch, and fight, and pray.
To arms! to arms! ye soldiers,
The trumpet call obey!
With Jesus as our leader,
We’re sure to win the day.
’Tis not to rest, or banquet,
Or proud parade we go;
The fight of faith is fiercer,
Than worldly warriors know.
Against the powers of darkness
With fearful craft and rage,
Our heavenly captain calls us
Incessant war to wage.
We’ll bless Thee for the battle,
We’ll glory in the strife;
We’ll shout at call of trumpet,
We’ll win eternal life.