God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5:9
Words: From the Latin Jesus Christus, Nostra Salus The version below was translated by Christian I. Latrobe in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789, number 557.
Music: Redhead Richard Redhead, Church Hymn Tunes, Ancient and Modern (London: 1853) (🔊
This hymn has been ascribed to [John] Hus, and is included in the Monumentorum Joannis Hus altera pars, Nürnberg, 1558, but his authorship is doubtful.
Wackernagel, vol i. gives three forms, No. 367, in 10 st. from a Munich Ms. of the 15th cent; No. 369 from Leisentritt’s G. B. (R. C.), 1584, in 7 st. The last text is also in Daniel, ii. 370.
In his Cantiones Bohemicae, Leipzig, 1886, preface, pp. 22, 31, 43. & c., G. M. Dreves discusses the authorship, and cites it as in 10 st., in a MS. cir. 1410, belonging to the Abbey of Hohenfurth [now Vyšší Brod, Czechia] in a Gradual, cir. 1420, in the Bohemian Museum at Prag, &c.
Julian, p. 598
To avert from men God’s wrath,
Jesus suffered in our stead;
By an ignominious death
He a full atonement made;
And by His most precious blood
Brought us, sinners, nigh to God.
Hither each afflicted soul
May repair, though filled with grief;
To the sick, not to the whole,
The Physician brings relief;
Fear not, therefore, but draw nigh;
Christ will all your wants supply.
But examine first your case,
Whether you be in the faith;
Do you long for pardoning grace?
Is your only hope His death?
Then, howe’er your soul’s oppressed,
Come, you are a worthy guest.
He who Jesus’ mercy knows
Is from wrath and envy freed.
Love unto each other shows
That we are His flock indeed;
Thus we may in all our ways
Show forth our Redeemer’s praise.