Scripture Verse

Thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness. Nehemiah 9:17


Words: D. C. Phil­lips, in the Church and Sun­day School Hym­nal, ed­it­ed by John D. Brunk (Scott­dale, Penn­syl­van­ia: Men­non­ite Pub­lish­ing House, 1902), num­ber 40.

Music: Shoe­mak­er Charles E. Poll­ock (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Phil­lips’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Poll­ock,


To Thee, O gra­cious Lord, we sing,
To Thee in faith we pray,
And all our sins to Thee we bring;
Lord, wash them all away.

We glo­ry in Thy bound­less love,
We tri­umph by Thy grace;
When shall we come to Heav’n above,
To see Thee face to face?

This bar­ren wil­der­ness is long,
O, be Thou with us, Lord,
And by Thy Spir­it make us strong,
And guide us by Thy Word.

Thy ho­ly love, O spread abroad
In these soiled hearts of ours,
That we may con­secrate to God
Our bo­dies and our pow­ers.

When comes the time to fall asleep,
Thou Morn­ing Star, we pray,
Conduct us safe across the deep
In Thy own bless­èd way.