Scripture Verse

In God I have put my trust. Psalm 56:4


Henry B. Hartzler (1840–1920)

Words: Hen­ry B. Hartz­ler, in Hea­ven­ly Car­ols, ed­it­ed by Is­ai­ah Balt­zell & Ed­mund Lo­renz (Day­ton, Ohio: Will­iam J. Shu­ey, 1878), pag­es 26–27.

Music: Ed­mund S. Lo­renz (🔊 pdf nwc).

Edmund S. Lorenz


I have found re­pose for my wea­ry soul,
Trusting in the pro­mise of the Sav­ior;
And a har­bor safe when the bil­lows roll,
Trusting in the pro­mise of the Sav­ior.
I will fear no foe in the dead­ly strife,
Trusting in the pro­mise of the Sav­ior;
I will bear my lot in the toil of life,
Trusting in the pro­mise of the Sav­ior.


Resting on His migh­ty arm for­ev­er,
Never from His lov­ing heart to se­ver.
I will rest by grace in His strong em­brace,
Trusting in the pro­mise of the Sav­ior.

I will sing my song as the days go by,
Trusting in the pro­mise of the Sav­ior;
And re­joice in hope, while I live or die,
Trusting in the pro­mise of the Sav­ior.
I can smile at grief and abide in pain,
Trusting in the pro­mise of the Sav­ior;
And the loss of all shall be high­est gain,
Trusting in the pro­mise of the Sav­ior.


O, the peace and joy of the life I live,
Trusting in the pro­mise of the Sav­ior;
O, the strength and grace on­ly God can give,
Trusting in the pro­mise of the Sa­vior.
Whosoever will may be saved to­day,
Trusting in the pro­mise of the Sav­ior;
And be­gin to walk in the ho­ly way,
Trusting in the pro­mise of the Sav­ior.
