Trust in Him at all times.
Psalm 62:8
Words: Maud E. Bright, in Songs of the TaÂberÂnaÂcle, edÂitÂed by NelÂlie AnÂderÂson (BelleÂfonÂtaine, Ohio: TaÂberÂnaÂcle PubÂlishÂing, 1916), numÂber 55.
Music: NelÂlie S. AnÂderÂson (🔊
If you know where to get a good phoÂto of Bright or AnÂderÂson (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
My soul is at rest with my SavÂior,
He tenÂderÂly guards me from harm;
Tho’ bilÂlows of sin rage around me,
He shields me from evÂery alarm.
Trusting my all to JeÂsus,
Trusting thro’ night and day,
Trusting His inÂfiÂnite wisÂdom,
Trusting Him all the way.
Temptations around me may gaÂther,
And waves of afÂflictÂion may roll;
Yet Jesus will strengthÂen and comÂfort
When sorÂrows sweep ovÂer my soul.
In rapÂture at last I’ll beÂhold Him,
The SavÂior I love and adore;
With Him thro’ eterÂniÂty’s ages,
I’ll rest on that beauÂtiÂful shore.