The Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven.
1 Thessalonians 4:16
Words: Anonymous, in Carmina Sacra, by Lowell Mason (Boston, Massachusetts: John H. Wilkins & Richard B. Carter, 1844), page 84.
Music: Snowfield Lowell Mason, Carmina Sacra (Boston, Massachusetts: John H. Wilkins & Richard B. Carter, 1844) (🔊
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Thou shalt, O Lord, descend,
And all the kingdoms bless;
Throughout the earth Thy realm extend,
And judge in righteousness.
The fruitful earth shall yield
A rich, increasing, store;
And God, who is to us revealed,
His choicest gifts shall pour.
The blessings of His grace
He shall to us make known;
Till all the earth His laws embrace,
And His dominion own.
Let all the people raise
The loud thanksgiving voice;
Let every nation sing Thy praise,
And every tongue rejoice.